Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Star Tattoo Designs – Don’t Make the Newbie Mistake

Star Tattoo Designs – Don’t Make the Newbie Mistake

You can find star tattoo designs all over the place including both the internet and the offline world. You can spend countless hours looking at what others are getting and even go to your local tattoo shop and look at all of their tattoo work and flashes they have. It can be a hard and challenging task finding that perfect sexy star tattoo that is just for you. I want to make your search a little easier.

First off, stars can be really beautiful, but they can also look really bad if you make the newbie mistake. Don’t choose a design just because it looks cool or just because someone else has it. What someone else has may not look too good on you.

There are Thousands of Star Tattoo Designs Available

The first thing that I recommend that you do is to keep in mind that you need to somehow make your design personal. Make it mean something to you. Don’t get something that you saw on TV just because. Get something that both looks sexy and has a meaning to it. Make is so that it can be a conversation peice. Even if you are getting a single star, have a meaning for it. If you have no reason to get a star, then you may want to start looking at other design options. There are tons out there.

You will also want to consider adding something in addition to stars to the design. Somehing like flowers or butterflies are some good options. But stars alone can also make a sexy tattoo.

The next thing that you want to decide on is where you want it to be. I have seem some really cool designs, and have some example on my site at, but I personally really like the ones along the side or rib cage. I am not sure why, but they look sexy and awesome at the same time. I guess you could say sexy awesome.

I have also seen star tattoo designs on ankles, wrists, on the upper arms, back, etc and they all can look good. If you want to be able to hide your tattoo during a day job keep that in mind when choosing your design. Try to consider everything when choosing since it is there forever. That is why it is so important that you give it a personal touch and meaning.

I just want to stress again to not make a newbie mistake and get something either just because it looks good on paper, or just because some celebrity has it. I think that is a bad move and you will regret it later on.

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